Afghan-American artist Aman Mojadidi has taken the current immigration-policy debate and used it as inspiration for his most recent art installation, Once Upon A Place. The interactive exhibit allows visitors of Times Square to step back in time and enter one of three “repurposed” telephone booths to hear the immigration stories from New Yorkers. Visitors to the booths can pick up the receivers and listen to the immigration-related stories, which range anywhere from two to fifteen minutes, and “broadly touch on themes of belonging and displacement." The storytellers come from different countries throughout the world, including Bangladesh, Mexico, Yemen, Ghana, Russia, and Tibet. The phone booths have been strategically placed in what Mojadidi considers “a highly visible, international space,” and he hopes the stories inspire listeners to confront stereotypes about immigration. He tells the New York Times: "This issue of immigration has become so politicized. Globally, any sort of major city is built on immigration rather than destroyed by it.”