Financial Times: “Immigration is back in the US”

According to a recent article by Tana Foroohar in the Financial Times “Immigration is back in the US.” Ms. Foroohar, a Global Business Columnist and an Associate Editor at Financial Times (“FT”) takes note that the country is returning to “pre-Trump, pre-pandemic rates of immigration” which is wonderful to news to fight inflation and promote economic and labor force growth. Ms. Foroohar’s research points to a 2020 paper by the Dallas Fed which notes that “the future of American growth exceptionalism (relative to Europe and other rich countries) may be largely down to the future of immigration.”

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Undocumented Immigrants Also Paid Their Taxes

April 18th marked Tax Day for citizens of US, but did you know that undocumented immigrants also pay taxes? According to the American Immigration Council undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollars each year in taxes. In spite of their undocumented status, and lack of standing in our country, “these immigrants—and their family members—are adding value to the U.S. economy, not only as taxpayers, but as workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs as well.” Millions of people who lack social security numbers are filing taxes with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (“ITIN”).

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Judge Upholds Right of Spouses of Certain H-1B Visa Holders to Work in the US

US District Judge Tanya Chutkan dismissed a law suit brought by Save Jobs USA against U.S. Department of Homeland Security (15-cv-0015, US District Court, District of Columbia) which challenged the rights of certain highly skilled H-1B visa holders’ spouses to work in the US. Judge Chutkan upheld rule which grants certain H-4 visa holders the right for work authorization parallel to their spouses’ H-1B visa validity for employment in the US. The same Judge had previously dismissed the suit, ruling that Save Jobs lacked standing to challenge the H-4 rule. However, a federal appeals court reversed that ruling in 2019 and revived the case.

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