Crafting quilts dates back to the seventeenth century and the art of quilting, which was championed by enslaved females, became a way to preserve Black History, culture, and oral storytelling. Yvonne Wells, an African-American folk artist and quilter hailing from Tuscaloosa, Alabama is known for her beautifully crafted narrative quilts which tell stories of US history, cultural icons, and religious subject matter. A self-taught artist, Ms. Wells weaves heritage techniques in her work, yet “she embraces an intuitive approach, sewing together fragments of fabric by hand into the compositions she envisions in her mind.” As the artist has remarked, “the materials I use have their own stories and histories… the quilts talk to me, and I listen.” Ms. Wells’ fascinatingly crafted works speak to us all and you can catch the exhibit “Play The Hand That’s Dealt You” at The Fort Gansevoort Gallery until August 12th.
"Play The Hand That's Dealt You" by Yvonne Wells