World Cup fever has broken out around the world as Qatar hosts the 2022 FIFA World Cup! For the next few weeks, the world is united and tuned into what most people around the globe commonly know as football and we in the US call soccer. Television network “Peacock” has brought fans and spectators together in New York and now Miami with a three-story responsive soccer ball featuring the voice of Telemundo’s Andrés Cantor, the Argentinian American sports broadcasting legend “whose breathtaking goal calls capture the ‘spirit’ of soccer”. Mr. Cantor’s “Gooooooooooooooooooolllllllll!!!” calls that resonated through Rockefeller Center are now filling Wynwood Market Place as fans gather together to cheer on their favorite teams. Frankly, we are a bit torn on who to root for this Friday as the US takes on the UK…do we have to choose? Go Teams!
World Cup Fever Pitch

The World Cup at DLG
Gaby anxiously watching the first half of the Colombia vs. England game.
This week's Colombia vs. England game led to some tense moments for the firm. Gaby, who is from Colombia, watched nervously here in New York as the two teams battled it out. Protima, traveling in England, held her breath as the game went into penalty shootouts. When England won the shootout 4-3, the office consoled Gaby, and Protima joined the massive celebrations in England where everyone was relieved that they had finally won their first World Cup penalty shootout. England will play Sweden this weekend. Good luck to both teams (okay, maybe a little more luck to England)!