Parole in Place to Promote the Unity & Stability of Families Set to Begin August 19, 2024

On July 17, 2024, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) announced that undocumented spouses and children of US citizens who are eligible to apply for legal status and a pathway to citizenship through the parole in place process may submit applications starting August 19, 2024.  Additional details about eligibility and the application process will be published in a “forthcoming Federal Register notice.”

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Immigration Impact: "USCIS to Offer Stay of Deportation to Certain Military Family Members"

Immigration Impact reports on the USCIS memo (in PDF here) regarding granting "parole in place" to non-citizen family members of current and former military personnel:

The memo indicates that the noncitizen family members may be afforded “parole in place.”  “Parole in place” is a discretionary tool that allows a noncitizen who is in the United States without authorization to remain here, at least temporarily.  

The memo notes that parole in place can be granted in 1-year increments absent "a criminal conviction or other serious adverse factors..."