Marco Cochrane’s profound artistic trilogy, "The Bliss Project," tells a compelling tale of feminine energy and the quest for gender equality through three sculptures. Drawing inspiration from the monumental art of Burning Man, Cochrane's larger-than-life creations transcend mere art, serving as powerful symbols of empowerment and advocacy.
At the apex of this trilogy stands “R-Evolution,” a towering marvel standing forty-five feet tall. Modeled after the performer and artist Deja Solis, this monumental sculpture breathes life with sixteen motors in its chest area, intricately simulating the rhythms of breathing and feminine energy. Since its debut at Burning Man in 2015, “R-Evolution” has embarked on a journey across the country, drawing audiences with its poignant message and awe-inspiring presence.
Make sure you seize the opportunity to witness the power of “R-Evolution” before it leaves Miami Beach on April 30th!