Pilot Program for H and L Visa Renewal in the US Announced

Keeping in line with its efforts to improve visa processing backlogs at the consulates and embassies around the world, the Department of State (“DOS”) announced a plan to launch a pilot program for H and L visa holders to renew their visas in the US, instead of having to travel abroad. In an interview with Bloomberg Law, Julie Stufft, deputy assistant secretary for visa services in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, shared the news of the program that should be initiated later this year.

In 2004, the DOS discontinued domestic visa reissuance service for certain nonimmigrant visas in the United States. Restarting the program by permitting certain H and L visa holders to revalidate their visas domestically, rather than having to travel internationally to renew their visas, is the latest means DOS is planning to take to alleviate the visa application backlogs that developed at consulates as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will keep you updated as more details surrounding the launch of the pilot program become available.