Immigration Impact examines a report by the Kauffman Foundation on the impact of high-tech immigrant entrepreneurs on local economics:
Specifically, the report emphasizes the importance of “open and culturally diverse” environments in fostering high-tech entrepreneurship in metropolitan areas. This is true for both immigrants and the U.S.-born. However, the study found that “higher ethnic diversity and a larger share of the foreign-born population are crucial factors in attracting or fostering immigrant high-tech entrepreneurship on the metropolitan level.”
Moreover, Dane Stangler, vice president of Research & Policy at the Kauffman Foundation, notes: "'Because immigrants are far more likely to start businesses – particularly high-tech companies – than are the native-born, their importance in the U.S. economy is increasing[.]" Not surprising then that some cities have strategies to attract such entrepreneurs.
The report is titled "Lessons for U.S. Metro Areas: Characteristics and Clustering of High-Tech Immigrant Entrepreneurs" and is viewable along with white paper here.