New York Times: "'Verbatim: What is a Photocopier?'"

The New York Times has a new series, presented by Op-Docs, featuring re-creations of actual events from law and government that transform "verbatim (word for word) legal transcripts into dramatic, and often comedic, performances." The debut is from a deposition in an Ohio Supreme Court Case regarding a decision by the Cuyahoga County Recorder’s Office to no longer provide digital files of public records and instead charge $2 per page for hard copies. Not immigration related, but our office does have a couple of those machines where you can "put in a paper document, push a button or two, and out will come copies of that paper document also on paper[.]" We wonder if any immigration court cases will make an appearance in this series.

Click on image or here to watch dramatization on The New York Times website.

Click on image or here to watch dramatization on The New York Times website.